CPAP Intolerance and Other Proven Options to Treat Sleep Apnea

CPAP Intolerance and Other Proven Options to Treat Sleep Apnea

April 1, 2024

Sleep apnea, a widespread sleep condition, touches the lives of countless individuals across the United States. This disorder can significantly alter one’s overall well-being and daily experience, leading to daytime weariness, concentration challenges, and the risk of critical conditions like cardiac issues and cerebral attacks. The leading approach to managing sleep apnea involves the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP therapy. Although CPAP therapy is highly effective for many, some individuals may struggle with tolerance, experiencing discomfort and non-compliance.In this blog post, we’ll explore alternative options for individuals who are searching for sleep apnea doctors near me and are unable to tolerate CPAP therapy, providing insights into oral appliance therapy, surgery options, lifestyle changes, and positional therapy.

Understanding CPAP Intolerance

CPAP intolerance refers to the difficulty some individuals experience in adjusting to CPAP therapy. Common symptoms of CPAP intolerance include feelings of claustrophobia, discomfort with the CPAP mask, and dry mouth. Such symptoms might pose obstacles for persons in sticking to CPAP therapy, resulting in the unsatisfactory management of sleep apnea. It’s essential to address CPAP intolerance promptly to ensure that individuals receive appropriate and effective sleep apnea treatment in Canton, OH.

Alternative Treatments for CPAP Intolerance

  • Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral appliance therapy offers a non-invasive approach to treating sleep apnea, involving the use of a custom-made dental device worn during sleep. These gadgets work by repositioning the jaw and tongue to keep the breathing passage open, thus averting the soft tissue collapse that triggers obstructive sleep apnea. Compared to CPAP masks, oral devices offer a higher comfort level and are easier for numerous people to get accustomed to. They are also portable, making them convenient for travel. Danner Dental, located in Canton, OH, specializes in providing oral appliance therapy tailored to each patient’s needs, ensuring optimal comfort and effectiveness.

  • Surgery Options

For those who cannot tolerate CPAP therapy or do not find substantial relief with other treatments, surgical options might be explored. Surgical procedures for sleep apnea target obstructions in the airway, like enlarged tonsils, excess throat tissue, or nasal passage abnormalities. While surgery is typically viewed as a final option and may pose risks, it can be very effective for certain individuals in addressing airway blockage and reducing sleep apnea symptoms.

  • Lifestyle Changes

Aside from medical treatments, lifestyle adjustments can assist in managing sleep apnea symptoms and enhancing overall sleep quality. One of the most significant risk factors for sleep apnea is obesity, so maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is crucial. Shedding extra weight can alleviate the severity of sleep apnea and alleviate symptoms. Moreover, steering clear of alcohol and sedatives, which can relax throat muscles and worsen sleep apnea, can enhance sleep quality. Regular exercise, particularly activities that strengthen the muscles in the upper airway, can also be beneficial for managing sleep apnea symptoms.

  • Positional Therapy

Positional therapy is a treatment option for individuals with positional sleep apnea, where symptoms occur primarily when sleeping in certain positions, such as on the back. Positional therapy refers to employing techniques or devices to promote sleeping positions that decrease airway obstruction and lessen the frequency of apnea episodes. This may include sleeping with special pillows or cushions designed to keep the head and neck appropriately aligned, preventing airway collapse during sleep. While positional therapy may not be effective for everyone, it can be a beneficial adjunctive treatment for some individuals with sleep apnea.

Does Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain?

The link between sleep apnea and weight increase garners considerable attention within the fields of sleep health and weight control. While it’s clear that obesity is a risk factor for developing sleep apnea, the question of whether sleep apnea itself can lead to weight gain is more complex.

  • Obesity plays a crucial role in the onset and advancement of sleep apnea. Excessive weight, especially around the neck region, can lead to narrowing and blockage of the airway during sleep, heightening the chances of apnea episodes.
  • On the other hand, sleep apnea may also influence weight gain through various mechanisms: Sleep apnea often leads to fragmented sleep, with frequent awakenings throughout the night. This disruption can affect the body’s regulation of appetite hormones, such as ghrelin and leptin. Lack of sleep can upset the equilibrium of these hormones, causing a rise in hunger and consumption of food, potentially resulting in weight accumulation over periods.
  • Sleep apnea has been linked to metabolic disturbances, including insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. These metabolic changes can affect the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and utilize energy efficiently, potentially promoting weight gain and obesity.
  • Daytime fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness, common sleep apnea symptoms, can interfere with daily functioning and reduce motivation for physical activity. Individuals with untreated sleep apnea may feel too tired or lethargic to engage in regular exercise routines, leading to a more sedentary lifestyle and weight gain.

Seeking Professional Help

Should you be dealing with signs of sleep apnea or find CPAP therapy challenging to endure, obtaining expert advice from a sleep expert or a local dentist skilled in handling sleep-related issues is crucial. At Danner Dental, we deliver individualized care for sleep apnea designed to fit the specific requirements of each patient. Our adept team is equipped to assess your condition, pinpoint the most suitable treatment choices, and offer continuous assistance to enhance your sleep quality and boost your general health.


Although CPAP therapy remains the foremost remedy for sleep apnea, it might not be the right fit for all individuals. For those who cannot tolerate CPAP or do not experience significant improvement with other treatments, alternative options like oral appliance therapy, surgery, lifestyle changes, and positional therapy might offer effective relief. Through seeking professional assistance and exploring various treatment options, individuals with sleep apnea can discover a suitable solution to enhance their sleep quality and overall well-being. Don’t let sleep apnea disrupt your life – take action today to get the help you need and enjoy restful, rejuvenating sleep.

Book Your Appointment Now for a Healthy Smile

Are you ready to take control of your sleep apnea and start enjoying restful nights again? Schedule a consultation with Danner Dental today! Our experienced team in Canton, OH, specializes in providing personalized sleep apnea treatments, including oral appliance therapy, surgical options, and lifestyle recommendations. Do not allow sleep apnea to impede your progress – reach out to us today to embark on the path to enhanced sleep and better overall well-being. The quest for a more vibrant and lively future begins with this step!

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